
Pre-Employment Assessment:Testing for Senior Level Hires

As a retained executive search firm, we’re seeing an increase in pre-employment assessment testing—even at senior levels. Where stakes are highest, it’s even more crucial that your candidate fit in culturally and personality-wise. Our clients have rolled out DISC assessments, Myers-Briggs indicators, Enneagrams, and other diagnostic tools dating back to the mid 20th century—and administering them to potential Presidents, CMO’s Directors/VPs of Marketing, Corporate Communications, Finance, and the like.

In our experience, the only potential drawback to testing is making sure you position it correctly to the candidate—as just one indicator in your interview process. Otherwise, testing can be a worthy tool whose uses include:

1. Benchmarking

Pre-employment testing is a great way to benchmark potential success—particularly for commoditized roles. When there’s less on-the-job experience, psychological probing can flesh out both capabilities and potential issues.

2. Comfort level

Say you’ve got two finalists who are close, and you can’t decide. Testing can break the tie—and provide peace of mind. Weaknesses don’t have to disqualify a favored candidate, either. If your gut tells you to hire the candidate who did more “poorly,” you can move forward accordingly.

3. Attitude

No matter what level your job search, you can tell a lot about your candidate from the way she approaches the test itself. Is she taking it seriously? Is there calm under pressure? Is she decisive, or dithering?

4. Value

Share the results of the test with your candidate, and she’s gained something substantial—whether or not she gets the job.

5. Onboarding

Your assessment test can double as an onboarding tool—giving you a clear understanding of your new hire. You can then address any weaknesses with further coaching and development.

If you’re dealing with a candidate who all but has an offer in hand, consider sharing this notion with her. You’ll create substantial buy-in, and encourage more honesty during the test itself.

What do you think about pre-employment assessment tests? Share your thoughts and experiences here.

One response to “Pre-Employment Assessment:Testing for Senior Level Hires”

  1. Chequed says:

    You make a great point with comfort level. While an assessment can give you some great data it doesn’t need to be the be all and end all in the hiring process. Just because one person got a 5/5 and the other a 4.5/5 doesn’t mean you need to choose the 5. Like any other hiring tool it can measure and predict but its also not a human.

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