
4 Characteristics of an Effective Leader

On November 6th 2012, a record number of Americans took part in a hiring process of sorts. The president is the chief executive of the federal government and is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces. Electing the President of the United States is no ordinary hiring task, but rather an example of democracy at its finest. Now that the inauguration fanfare and cabinet members appointed, the nation continues to evaluate the type of leader that our president will be. C-Level executives are not elected into positions in the same manor as the president; however, there is one similarity in their character that is crucial to the success of their position: Consistent Leadership.

Let’s explore a list for 4 characteristics of an effective leader:

1. Methodical

barack-obama-inaugurationIf a leader is disorganized and chaotic, so will those under his or her direction. A systematic or established structure of procedures is essential to providing direction. Leaders are often confronted with challenges that have no clear resolution. A good leader should always establish a plan of action and be prepared for the worst. Navigating external threats requires careful planning and execution. A methodical leader is essential to the success of any enterprise.

2. Personable

Although a standard of professionalism is essential to establishing authority, a leader must be able to interact with those within their organization. A first-rate leader communicates on a personal level. A leader must relate in some way with the populace they preside over.

3. Decisive

Leaders are authoritative figures, and many value their advice. A good leader must be direct. When contributing opinion or fact, a strong leader must make a decision and follow it through without uncertainty. A leader should never convey ambiguity.

4. Passionate

Leaders often act as a catalyst for collective enthusiasm. A leader that maintains their passion through adversity directly helps to promote a driven work force. Passion requires dedication, honesty, and excitement. A leader that exemplifies passion will project a sense of teamwork and promote collaboration.

Has you definition of leadership changed since the turn of the century? Will technology change the characteristics of future leaders? Leave your comments below and let us know what you think!

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